
Sometimes, constraining which examples are run is really useful. Try to think in testing pyramid:

  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • End2End Tests

E2E tests are slowest, but integration ones are slower than unit. Perhaps I would like to keep my unit tests running all time, for making the feedback loop shorter, and execute integration tests only a few times before committing.

Mamba supports this use case using tags.

Including examples with a filter

An inclusion filter is a filter which runs all tests which matches with a tag, let’s see an example:


from mamba import description, before, it
from expects import expect, be_equal

from app import repositories, infrastructure, model

with description(repositories.CustomerRepository, 'integration') as self:
  with before.each:
    connection = intrastructure.create_connection()
    self.database_cleaner = infrastructure.DatabaseCleaner(connection)

    self.repository = repositories.CustomerRepository(connection)

  with it('stores a new customer'):
    customer = model.Customer()

    retrieved = self.repository.find_by_id(


This is a contract test. It uses database and cleans all records on every execution. Potentially is a bit more expensive than other example which uses a fake-implementation in memory.


from mamba import description, before, it
from expects import expect, be_equal

from app import model

with description(model.Customer, 'unit') as self:
  with before.each:
    self.customer = Customer()

  with it('adds orders'):
    customer.add_order(model.Order('Implementing Domain-Driven Design'))


So you are able to run all tests:

$ pipenv run mamba

Or run only unit tests:

$ pipenv run mamba -t unit

Or tun only integration tests

$ pipenv run mamba -t integration

You can select the inclusion tag using the -t parameter in command line.

Focused examples

This is an special case of example inclusion. This allows to focus execution only in an example or an example group. Sometimes you will need to focus execution only in a small piece of code for a while.

from mamba import description, it, fit

from katas import MarsRover

with description(MarsRover) as self:
  with context('when starts at 0, 0 and facing north'):
    with before.each:
      self.mars_rover = MarsRover((0, 0), 'N')

    with it('moves north'):

      expect(self.mars_rover.position()).to(be_equal((0, 1))

    # This is the unique example that will be executed
    with fit('moves east'):

      expect(self.mars_rover.position()).to(be_equal((1, 0))

So when running this example:

$ pipenv run mamba


1 examples ran in 0.0014 seconds

It only runs the ‘moves east’ example. And this could be applied to example groups too, using the fcontext context manager.

And please, be kind with your teammates and avoid committing focused example. Eventually they will blame me for this ;)