
‘before’ and ‘after’ hooks

Sometimes several tests shares some code. For avoiding repeating same code over and over, we could use before and after context manager.

These hooks are executed before or after every example or every example group.

from mamba import description, before, after, it

with description('Hooks') as self:

  with before.all:
    # This code is executed once, before executing any examples in this group

  with before.each:
    # This code is executed before every example

  with after.all:
    # This code is executed after all of the examples in this group

  with after.each:
    # This code is executed after each example

A more realistic example would be:

from mamba import description, before, it

class Stuff(object):

  def __init__(self):
    self._elements = []

  def elements(self):
    return self._elements

  def add_element(self, element)

with description(Stuff) as self:

  with before.each:
    # Initialize a new stuff for every example
    self.stuff = Stuff()

  with it('has 0 elements'):

  with it('accepts elements'):
